Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Art as a Tool for Community Building audio

Greetings friends,
I was a panelist at this conference representing our DMUUC Green Sanctuary Committee. I was the “and many more”. We were asked to speak about art as a tool for community building around greening our church community. Here is an audio of my presentation.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

SSun, 7/17: Greening our Sanctuaries: An Interfaith Workshop and Expo

I will be participating on the -2 PM: Workshop on Going Green in Our Congregations

On Sunday, July 17, 1:30-5 pm at Adat Shalom Reconstructionist Congregation

Discover the latest, most effective methods, techniques, and approaches for operating our sacred spaces in ways that fully reflect our values:

-1:30 PM: Tours of Adat Shalom’s Vegetable Garden & 44-Kilowatt Rooftop Solar System
-2 PM: Workshops on Going Green in Our Congregations
-4 PM: Connect with vendors and organizations in our Green Resources Expo Hall

Learn how to:
Start a Green Team — Save Energy — Go Solar — Shift to Greener Groundskeeping — Commit to Greener Procurement