Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Art as a Tool for Community Building audio

Greetings friends,
I was a panelist at this conference representing our DMUUC Green Sanctuary Committee. I was the “and many more”. We were asked to speak about art as a tool for community building around greening our church community. Here is an audio of my presentation.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

SSun, 7/17: Greening our Sanctuaries: An Interfaith Workshop and Expo

I will be participating on the -2 PM: Workshop on Going Green in Our Congregations

On Sunday, July 17, 1:30-5 pm at Adat Shalom Reconstructionist Congregation

Discover the latest, most effective methods, techniques, and approaches for operating our sacred spaces in ways that fully reflect our values:

-1:30 PM: Tours of Adat Shalom’s Vegetable Garden & 44-Kilowatt Rooftop Solar System
-2 PM: Workshops on Going Green in Our Congregations
-4 PM: Connect with vendors and organizations in our Green Resources Expo Hall

Learn how to:
Start a Green Team — Save Energy — Go Solar — Shift to Greener Groundskeeping — Commit to Greener Procurement

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Goodnow Garden Totem Project

This is an awesome project! I was invited to a 6 day residency by Amy Macht (The Macht Foundation) and Gloria Jenkins from the Goodnow Community Center in Baltimore. I have worked with them before to create Good Character Banners, Ancestor Masks and even a fiberglass Baltimore Crab sculpture with the young people who come to them for after school activities.

When I arrived at the center for a planning meeting, I saw the new community garden that they had created last Summer. I immediately envisioned the totems in my mind's eye! I was told that their neighborhood has new residents who are refugees from Bhuton and the Congo. The fact is that they had requested the opportunity to grow food on some unused land at the center. Out of this sprung a Community Garden.

Six workshops later, our participants had reviewed totem history in the Americas as well as abroad to inspire them. The created shapes and sketches for each piece on the poles. They then painted their shapes which were assembled onto the poles to bring the energy of growth, partnership and sustainability to their own garden.

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.